Preparation for a Global Future

Yinghua Academy is the only full immersion Mandarin Chinese K-8 school in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It opened in 2006 as the first public charter Chinese immersion school in the U.S. and the first Chinese immersion school in the Midwest. Yinghua continues to be a national leader, offering an international perspective and outstanding results.

新闻 | News & Events

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Dr. Lien and the Yinghua staff are excited about the wonderful potential of the 2024-2025 school year. This year we want to continue developing global citizens and we welcome all members of the community to join us in this journey. We encourage all students, staff, and community members to think about the principles of global citizenship and how we can positively impact the world around us each day.

2024 Curriculum Night

Yinghua will host Middle School (grades 5-8) Curriculum Night for parents and guardians from 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10. The Lower School (grades K-4) Curriculum Night for parents and guardians will be from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17.

We strongly encourage parents and guardians to attend as it is a perfect opportunity to connect with your children’s teachers as we begin the new school year. Teachers will give a curricular overview and explain classroom as well as homework expectations. Through experience we’ve learned that a strong partnership between parents and the school allows us to maximize each child’s full potential. Please make use of this time to also ask questions you may have for the teachers.

2024-2025 Lottery and Waitlist

Follow this link to see the 2024-2025 (upcoming school year) enrollment lottery and waitlist results: 2024-25 Lottery, updated September 4, 2024.

We welcome applications for the 2024-25 school year. You may submit either a paper form or an online form, and instructions are included on each form.

Please contact Renee Cosgrove,, if you are interested in enrolling your student for the current 2023-2024 school year.


If Yinghua Academy is closed due to snow or weather emergency, closing information will be posted by 6 a.m. on the day of the closing including on the Yinghua website, local media (WCCO, KSTP, Kare11), and direct communication through email, text messages, and phone calls. Yinghua will be implementing e-learning as a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning beginning after two snow days. On the occasion that Yinghua does have an e-learning day, it will be announced with the school closing information through our normal platforms. More details about the e-learning plan can be found at

Yinghua Academy’s Administration will monitor weather forecasts and conditions to ensure the school will be open only during safe transportation conditions.