Volunteer Opportunities


YACA supports Yinghua volunteers. The school’s Volunteer Coordinator is a volunteer and serves on the YACA board. YACA pays the $20 fee for the background check which must be completed by a parent or guardian volunteer prior to volunteering at the school. The background check should be completed every five years. Submit your background check form to backgroundcheck@yinghuaacademy.org; the school’s Business Manager will process your form, and the Volunteer Coordinator or a member of staff will confirm its processing with you.

We welcome your participation in a number of roles such as field trip chaperones, lunch helpers, library helpers, book fair set-up/tear down, donating meals and snacks for teachers on special occasions, and washing clothes and organizing our Used Uniform Sales. Yinghua asks each parent and guardian to volunteer for one event each year.

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator with questions and to learn more: yaca-volunteer@yinghuaacademy.org.

Volunteering is a great way for you to make a difference in your child’s school. Volunteering is a give-and-gain experience: Center for School Change: 50 Ways to Give, Gain from Volunteering with Schools.

Volunteers submit a background check every five years. YACA covers the $20 fee for this process for volunteers who are parents or legal guardians of currently-enrolled Yinghua students and others (such as grandparents) on a case-by-case basis.