Silent Dismissal

Silent Dismissal is the online system that ALL Yinghua families use to tell the school exactly how they want their children dismissed at the end of each school day. Yinghua requires that families use this system so that the school can provide a safe and accurate dismissal for every child. Parents complete a Monday through Friday schedule online, and that’s what the school follows.
Each student has a Silent Dismissal (SD) account, and parents set up their own password-protected accounts.
- You have until just 1 p.m. on the day of the change to make an alteration to your dismissal plan in SD. If you need to make a change after 1 p.m. on the day of the change, please contact the Main Office at (612) 788-9095.
- Space for our Extended Care programs is limited. Aftercare is by preregistration only. With questions or concerns, contact the Extended Learning Office at
- Students received their 2024-2025 Dismissal Cards at Meet Your Teacher or on the first day of school. You must show this card to staff when you pick up during dismissal or from Aftercare.
- If you don’t have your dismissal card, come to the main office (Door 1) and show a photo ID.
Setting Up & Using Silent Dismissal
In just a few steps, you can set up your SD account and set a dismissal option for every day. Contact the Extended Learning Office ( or Ruthie Stein ( for assistance.